The Impending Crisis And The Need For Religion To Lead The Way

We are living in unprecedented times, and our future looks uncertain. We are at the edge of an impending crisis, unfolding each day with horrible consequences on the poor and downtrodden. The crisis I am talking about is not the Pandemic but the one which led to it. Environmental degradation and Climate change are considered […]

Environmental degradation the crisis of modernity

“The jury has reached a verdict – and it is damning. This report of the IPCC is a litany of broken climate promises. It is a file of shame, cataloguing the empty pledges that put us firmly on track towards an unlivable world”, “The jury has reached a verdict – and it is damning. This […]


Allah has created humans with a purpose, We have adorned the earth with attractive things so that We may test people to find out which of them do best. (Quran 18:7) And to fulfil that purpose, He has endowed mankind with the agency of/ability to exercise choice, Say, ‘Now the truth has come from your Lord: […]

[World Environment Day] An Approach Towards Holistic Environmental Narrative

Environmentalists have been warning us for some time of doomsday scenarios and we have hardly flinched in response. But today on June 5th 2020, with pandemic Covid-19, swarm of locusts in the air, the Cyclone Nisarga, Amphan unleashing at one end of the spectrum have surely taken us aback with shock and tremors, and emergence of […]